Friday 7 May 2010



This blog will cover all the research and planning for my Media AS coursework project. I am creating a front page of a music magazine, together with a contents page and a double page spread for the magazine. I (Fred Ellis) am the contributor for all 4 parts of this coursework project, I felt that I would rather work alone so that I can carry out all the work in my own time, and as this is a resit, the whole project is done in my own time. I intend on carrying out this peice of coursework during the easter holidays. As this is a resit, my A2 coursework takes priority in school time, along with my other subjects, and is why i have therefore decided to get the bulk done in the easter holidays. I don't have Photoshop at home, so will get this done at school within the first week back, and then all the evaluation after that.

Below is how I intend to plan my time. I have created a plan on excel, and then printed them out and stuck them inside my Media AS coursework folder. Once I complete each task I will cross it out so that I know where I am.

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